Samstag, 9. März 2013

< +8.6% in four weeks of algo papertrading... >

From February, 11th to March, 8th (four weeks) my partner and I performed a test of our new fully automated algorithmic trading system with a 100k paper account at Interactive Brokers.

The algo was running completely unsupervised - no manual intervention was necessary.

During the four weeks of algorithmic papertrading, the P&L rose to +8.6% or +$8600 - sweet ;-)

P&L 1st week: +3.055%
P&L 2nd week: +5.893%
P&L 3rd week: +7.387%
P&L 4th week: +8.598%

For comparison - in this four weeks, the DJI made +2.89%, S&P 500 +2.19% and Nasdaq +1.62%.

Here is an official statement from the broker:

Here is a TWS screenshot showing the paper account:

We are currently looking for investors - want to know more?

Simply send me an email at agram66 (at) gmx (dot) de - pgp public key.